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Morgan-Meenan Advocacy Award

Morgan-Meenan Advocacy Award*

The Morgan-Meenan Advocacy Award is presented to the NAIFA-Florida member who exemplifies leadership and support in the areas of advocacy, leadership development, and membership recruitment. Current members of the NAIFA-Florida Board of Directors are not eligible. The award is named after former legislator and former NAIFA-Florida CEO & lobbyist Herb Morgan, who served the association from 1986 until his untimely death in 2003.

*In 2022, the name of the award was changed from the Herb Morgan Award of Excellence to Morgan-Meenan Advocacy Award to also honor the current NAIFA-Florida Lobbyist, Tim Meenan.


Previous Recipients

2024  Alicia Burst Longo
2023 – Shelita Stuart and Tom Ashley
– Tim Meenan
 – No award given due to COVID-19
2020 – Melissa Snively
2019 – Tim Holladay, CLU, CASL, LUTCF, JD
2018 – Mike Peters, CLU, LUTCF, ChFC
2017 – Mark Tiralosi, LUTCF
2016 – David Russell, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF, RHU, REBC
2015 – Howard Rosenblatt, Esq.
2014 – Craig Duncan, ChFC
2013 – Don Brown, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF
2012 – Terri Seefeldt, RHU