Your NAIFA-Florida Political Involvement Committee (PIC) needs your assistance. If you have a personal relationship with a Florida House member, a Florida Senator, or a member of the U.S. Congress, we’d like to add your name to our list of contacts – to enhance our advocacy efforts to protect your career! By providing the contact information, you make NAIFA-Florida stronger in terms of developing relationships with lawmakers, assistance in reaching out to them regarding important issues and bills related to our business, and providing our state and national NAIFA lobbyists with effective points of communication during Florida’s legislative session and when Congress is in session.
What is a personal relationship?
a) The state or U.S. legislator is a friend (know them by first name)
b) The state or U.S. legislator is an acquaintance (business, attends your church/synagogue, service club, PTA, same golf club, etc.)
c) The state or U.S. legislator is someone you have met before (at a fundraiser, Chamber or community event)
d) You have contributed to a state or U.S. legislator’s election campaign
Also, you may not live in the district of the legislator, yet you still have a relationship – we’d still like to know.
How to do it:
1) Simply send an e-mail with the name of the legislator(s) and what sort of relationship you have to state Political Involvement Chair, Glenn Ritchie ( or Chapter Executive, Zachary Levin (
To assist you:
1) View the lists below for names, district numbers, and district city of all 2025 Florida Senators and Florida House members.
2) If you’re not sure which district(s) you live in, see your voter registration card. It should indicate, numerically, all of your voting districts.
3) Visit your county’s Supervisor of Elections website. Many of them have a feature where you simply type in your home address & it’ll show the numbers of all of your voting districts.
4) Still have questions? Feel free to contact Glenn Ritchie ( or Zachary Levin ( They’ll be glad to assist!
Thanks very much for your assistance!! And thanks for your membership in NAIFA-Florida!!
Copyright © 2024 NAIFA-Florida
600 State Street, Suite A
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Phone: (850) 422-1701