Make plans now to join your fellow NAIFA-Florida members for our annual Legislative Day on the Hill!
Lobbyist Tim Meenan is looking for a large turnout this year as many critical issues impacting our business will come before the Legislature. Group visits with legislators, talking points in hand, are vital to communicating our stands on these issues. The opening Orientation Session on Monday, followed by cocktails and dinner (included in registration fee) will prepare you for your legislative visits on Tuesday.
What to Expect:
Meet with legislators and key decision makers
Learn how to effectively advocate for change
Network with your fellow NAIFA-Florida advocates
Registration Rates:
Early Registration will end on 2/21/25 and rates will increase.
Member - $155 - excludes Tuesday Night Morgan Dinner
First Time Member - $125 - excludes Tuesday Night Morgan Dinner
Non-Member Guest - $95 - Monday Night Dinner Only
Morgan Dinner - $85 - not included with main registration, must be purchased in advance
Your voice is powerful - let's use it to make a difference. Together, we can shape policies that impact our industry.
Hotel Information:
We will have two host hotels to chose from which are located next to each other.
The rate for both hotels will be $159 per night. This includes breakfast, Wi-Fi and parking. Reservations cutoff date for both hotels is 2/21/25.
Hampton Inn -
I-10 & Thomasville Road
(850) 574-4900
Group Code NAI
Hilton Garden Inn
3333 Thomasville Road
(850) 385-3553
Group Code NAI